There have been quite a few posts on the topic of ‘Dynamic Placeholders’ (among the most useful of which are those of John Newcombe, Nick Wesselman and Dave Leigh). Â If you haven’t come across this topic, then I’d suggest checking out Nick Wesselman’s blog post for a pretty succinct explanation of it. Â It boils down to the limitation that you cannot place multiple sublayouts containing a placeholder onto a page in such a way that the placeholders resolve to having the same fully qualified placeholder keys. Â I really like John Newcombe’s approach, which is based on Nick Wesselman’s; and having spent quite a bit of time playing with it, I’d certainly suggest that anyone needing to solve this problem takes a look themselves.
I plan to tackle a slightly different problem in this post: that of dynamically creating a number of placeholders within a single sublayout (so dynamic placeholders instead of dynamic placeholder keys, although as we’ll see later, the two problems can be solved in a very similar manner). Continue reading Dynamic Placeholders and IExpandable